Produk Tisu Galon

Tisu Galon adalah tisu yang digunakan untuk membersihkan mulut galon. Tisu galon merupakan kebutuhan utama untuk menjaga kebersihan mulut galon.

Produk Tisu Galon

Product Detail
Refillable Gallon Tissue

Gallon Tissue is a tissue used to clean the mouth of a gallon. These wipes contain alcohol which functions to clean the germs in the mouth of the gallon. This is useful so that the germs in the mouth area of ​​the gallon die and are not dangerous when the water in the gallon is drunk. So, when the mouth of the gallon is wiped and cleaned with a gallon tissue before being installed into the dispenser, the drinking water can be guaranteed to be clean.

Gallon tissue does have an important role in the drinking water business. Every gallon bottled drinking water business must have gallon tissue. For refill drinking water businesses, gallon tissue is a primary need. Gallon tissue gives the impression that the manufacturer cares about consumer health and hygiene.